Jonathan’s story - LCCE - Latinx Community Center of Empowernment

  • June 25, 2024

Jonathan came to LCCE looking for help accessing the workforce. As a refugee from Nicaragua who also has a disability, he didn’t know where or how to start looking for a job. He enrolled in LCCE’s Saturday morning English language classes and so quickly excelled that LCCE hired him to be on staff. He’s currently one of the most positively received teachers. Additionally, he’s been motivated to return to school himself and is working on his pre-med requirements at N Community College. The thing he appreciated most about his experience with LCCE is that he was “treated like a person.”


This are word from Jonathan like  despite of the circumstances I always am a positive person who has fought really hard to come to this country and see the light I couldn’t see when I was in my country. Being in a place that I wasn’t accepted for who I really was. To see a world full of opportunities for myself.

“Thank you so much but I really love the way that you wrote that thanks Diego for this opportunity. Have a great day.”

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